Your Problem is Our Concern- For Womanhood and Women’s Sake.

Have you ever heard of the term Leucorrhoea? If yes then have you any idea of the causes of it and till which level it could extend its limit!? Then comes the main question of whether how to eradicate the problem. This piece of writing will solve all the queries that arise in your mind.
Leucorrhoea is lesser known trouble which the womanhood faces. The condition in which there is an excessive discharge of thick, whitish and yellowish, sticky, foul smelling material from the vagina is Leucorrhoea.
Most women are embarrassed to discuss the problem amongst people and not just this, women are also embarrassed to discuss this problem with their physicians and medical experts, that is the reason it is more of a challenge to bring a cure to this problem.
Excessive intake of oily, spicy and unhealthy food; hormonal imbalance due to mental stress can cause leucorrhoea in many young girls; overindulgence in sexual activity, improper vaginal hygiene; Having improper diet during the menstrual cycle and excessive intake of alcohol are the reasons because of which a woman would face the problem of Leucorrhoea.
One could get to know of this problem if she is facing pain in back and legs, having burning urination, irritability and lack of concentration in work. Having digestion problems and feeling weak and tired are another few problems through which a woman could take a hint of all these as symptoms of Leucorrhoea.
The canal of the cervix in uterus is lined thickly with a fluid and this lining further ramifies into branches of fiber-muscular cells in the cervix itself and the reoccurrence of this fluid formation can lead to this harmful ailment as Leucorrhoea. There are many psychological and physical reasons that a woman develops this problem.
Leucorrhoea can also be caused by Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) and the treatment for STD’s can hence cure Leucorrhoea.
There are different types of Leucorrhoea-
·         Physiological Leucorrhoea- This happens due to estrogen stimulation in the female body. This is not as much a major issue but is to be resolved as soon as possible. This is a natural defense mechanism for vagina uses to maintain its chemical balance.
·         Inflamatory Leucorrhoea- This may also happen because of congestion of the vaginal mucous. In case the mucous gets yellowish or give off an odor, a doctor should be consulted immediately as it could be an inclination for several other diseases including bacterial infection.
In the case of pregnant women, after delivery, leucorrhoea along with a backache and foul smelling discharge containing blood and mucous may also result to the failure of the uterus returning to it’s original or pre-pregnancy size due to infection. There are various methods to diagnose the condition so in this case scenario, one should immediately discuss the matter with a doctor.

·         Parasitic Leucorrhoea- Some common symptoms of this type of Leucorrhoea is having a burning sensation, itching and discharge of some kind of a frothy substance, thick, white or yellow mucous.
MIR-X Leucorrhoea Remedy by MiricBiotech Limited is one product that is a savior for all the women out there who feels shy about discussing a problem. Not discussing should not lead to a condition where she does not even take care of the problem. This is an Ayurvedic medicine- a combo pack of the capsule (60 pcs) and powder (180 grams). The medicine contains ingredients like ashwagandha, mulethi, Lodh, Giloy, mochas and many more organic ingredients. The functioning of MiricBiotech Limitedis transparent enough to show on the pack the details of all the ingridientswith the quantity been used of each of it. 
All theseingridients are 100% hand-picked and organic and there are no side effects in this process and there are no side effects of using this product. This product serves the purpose of all body types and all ages as leucorrhoea is a common problem that women develop during pregnancy and at other times during the reproductive years.

Diet and lifestyle changes are what can bring a big change to improve these issues faced by leucorrhoea. This is one of the major tasks, which if improved could bring a big change in lifestyle. Including Ayurveda as a part of a healthy lifestyle is very essential. Consuming organic medicines and developing such food habits which helps heal faster and keeps mind and body healthy is important. 

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