Obesity- An Unhealthy Lifestyle or Consumption of Too Many Calories.
The recent rise in obesity has taken a massive swipe through many of the developing countries. Growing as a major health problem, obesity has intrigued many people and has brought them to bring up the topic to discuss it on a higher platform.
The question is how many people have to turn obese in a single decade for others to realize how important leading a healthy life is?
It is true that not all obese people are unhealthy or all the non-obese are healthy if talked of obesity, then most of the people turn obese due to unhealthy eating habits or a detrimental lifestyle.
Obesity carries along with it de-motivation, demotion (at the workplace), bullying and body shaming. People have sob stories about what they face at their workplace, among friends and with the society at large.
The aim is to promote healthy living. Obesity isn't a problem but an unhealthy lifestyle definitely is. Eating healthy, consuming veggies, exercising daily are a few factors which keep a body healthy. Metabolism of some people is so slow that they are more vulnerable towards obesity.
The primary cause of obesity is inactivity and unhealthy diet and eating habits. In a sedentary lifestyle, you are not very active you do not burn as many calories as you consume. Weight gain is inevitable when you intake more calories than you burn. In such a situation, when one is consuming fats then he/she needs to burn those calories as well by exercising or working out. Burning as many calories as one takes in, keeps mind and body healthy. Other than this there are genetic, hormonal and behavioral influences on the body weight. Consumption of carbohydrates, oily, and fat-containing food makes a layer of fats inside the belly causing obesity.
Obesity is not just a cosmetic consideration but it is a chronic medical disease that can lead to diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure, and increases the overall rate of mortality. Obesity is also a risk factor for a number of cancers.
Some people comply with allopathic medicines too which is not at all good for health. This infuses many chemicals in the body which is already toxic with the unwanted fats.
In this case, there is one solution which is not just a substitute for consuming allopathic but is also a factor that causes no harm to the body as it is Ayurvedic and has no side effects. Miric Biotech Limited renders a solution to all the problems mentioned, by introducing a remedy namely- MIR-X Obesity Remedy which is made up of Ayurvedic ingredients which are visible on the powder-capsule combo pack. This remedy assists in removing the excess fats inside the body and makes the body functional and flexible. This categorizes under the lifestyle products range in the company. The medicine contains natural elements such as guggul-which is present in a good amount and is a rich ingredient which aids in lowering the high cholesterol, Nagar Motha, Harad etc. It is a boon for obese people to consume a medicine which is completely chemical-free and caters to the needs of the body at the same time.
If this issue is not taken seriously and not taken care of then it could deplete the quality of life. One may face shame, guilt, disability, depression, sexual problems or low -work achievement. For a person who is obese and is facing some health issues and especially those issue arises because of obesity, then one should really see a doctor or a health-care provider.
Also, as mentioned one needs to adopt a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly. One needs to avoid the food traps that causes one to eat. Identify situations that trigger out of control eating and along with that make a plan of how to eat, when to eat and keep checking the weight regularly as reviewing this process is very important. Being consistent in this process is equally important.
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